
September 2023


  • Analysis of reply sentiment: with the aim of enriching the data centralized in your CRM and improving your customer knowledge, Touchdown is now able to detect reply sentiment (positive, negative or neutral). This information will enable you to further personalize your scenarios or even refine your scoring rules.
  • Redirect replies: edirect responses centralized in your CRM, either to one or more defined email addresses, or based on information in your CRM (for example; email address of the owner of the contact who replied).


  • Email interaction improvement: the “Click on a link” option in the “Email interaction” step now lets you select several links in your email and create different paths for each link. One branch per link will be created.

Incoming data

  • Don’t lose any information: some replies could be sent by email addresses not recorded in your CRM. We’ve provided you with a feature that will enable you to either create a new member (Contact, Prospect, Account or any other type of member configured in Touchdown), update an existing member or discard this new email address.

Minor improvements

  • Template availability: easily activate/deactivate your templates for a more organized workspace. Only active templates will now be displayed when configuring your campaign or email step.
  • No more deletion errors: the “Delete” button has been removed from Form pages (unsubscribe lists, forms, scenarios, events) to avoid irreversible errors in deleting the wrong element.  You can still delete items from View (listing) pages.

June 2023

Dynamic attachment

  • Add a dynamic attachment: you can now add a dynamic attachment, i.e. a file stored in your CRM and specific to each recipient.


  • Improving data exploitation: the behavioral group configuration system has been revamped. Thanks to this enhancement, you’ll have access to even more possibilities for exploiting your Touchdown data! We give you the keys to even greater performance.


  • A clear user interface: you now have the option of selecting the entities you’re working on to highlight them and keep only those visible. This makes your user interface lighter, clearer and more time-efficient.

February 2023


Appointment entity

  • Engage as soon as the appointment is made: use the “appointment” entity
  • and create callback or lead nurturing scenarios as soon as one of your contacts has made an appointment. Don’t wait any longer and engage immediately: assign a score to your contact and adjust it according to their interest or actions. From now on, appointment setting is an integral part of your marketing strategy.

Internal communication

  • Manage everything from within Touchdown: use the power of Touchdown to fully control your internal communications: send newsletters, share a survey or invite and manage internal events directly from the tool. The tool uses the “users” entity which takes into account all the employees of the company and updates automatically to ensure you never forget anyone!

Data management

  • Multi email/phone: it is possible to set up multiple email (and/or phone) fields and prioritise them. If the first email (and/or phone) field is not filled in, Touchdown will automatically choose to search for the data entered in the second, third, … This way, you are sure to reach your contacts. If several data are entered, you can indicate which data have priority.


  • Duplicate check before the email/sms stage: no longer do you only manage duplicates at the time of entry in the scenario. Now you can check for duplicates (e.g. two different records in the CRM but with the same email address) at all email and SMS stages of your scenarios. Don’t take the risk that your contacts receive the same information twice.

Compatibility management

  • MacOs improvement: we have improved the compatibility of the tool on MacOs devices.

December 2022


  • All entities at the same time: you can now manage all your entities at the same time when creating campaigns, scenarios or events.


  • Duplicate steps: save time when building your scenarios by duplicating your steps easily and ultra quickly!
  • Name your steps: give a name to your steps to find them more easily.


  • Reduced waiting time: the waiting time for the display of a filter result is reduced.


  • Improved visibility of tests: it is now possible to add a prefix to the subject to identify the sending of a test.
  • Excel export: you can now export the list of campaigns in Excel format

October 2022


  • A clearer view of your contacts: assign a score to your customers based on behavioral, demographic, … criteria of your choice. Use these ratings to establish your contact profile and adapt your sales and marketing actions.
  • 100% integrated: Scoring is directly integrated to your CRM and marketing solution! Thanks to this, you can easily link scores to customer accounts and create personalized marketing automation scenarios adapted to each of your contacts. Scoring is updated every day to allow you to follow the evolution of your contacts.
  • One contact, multiple scores: attach as many scores as you want to the same contact: adapt each score to your internal needs and have a real and efficient follow-up of each of your contacts (leads, customers, opportunities, …).


  • Better data visibility: find all your contact data (CRM data or custom fields) more easily directly from the overview.


  • Don’t wait any longer: the loading time when adding an “Associated entity” type condition has been improved.
  • Even more precise: it is now possible to filter all contacts that do not have an account or associated data. To do this, simply select the “Does not contain data” criterion on the “Associated entity” type condition.

July 2022


  • Weezevent : now 100% synchronized with Touchdown. Find your registration and participation data for your Weezevent event directly in your CRM.
  • Teams : manage your events directly from Touchdown. Create your Teams meetings and generate unique URLs to track event participation. See in real time who is logging in!
  • Thousands of events, easily: create a unique template and use the customization options to adapt your emailing campaigns to each of your events. Your scenarios are not forgotten: prepare them in advance and adapt the sending of your reminder emails according to the dates of your events, automatically.  Touchdown offers customization options that allow you to manage thousands of events at the same time, easily!


  • CC fields: give your emails more weight. Add a third party to your marketing campaigns to make your emails more personal, authentic and impactful.


  • Notify your teams: inform your sales teams of a new lead or changes in a customer account. Notify the person you want on the team and hand them over.

April 2022


  • Added conditions: define specific conditions (behavioral conditions or conditions on associated entities) directly in your scenarios, without going through Filters.
  • Stay in control of Automation: during a scenario, it is not always easy to stay in control and constantly check if all steps are working properly. Now it is possible to put your participants on hold with the “Manual Resume” step. You can then take the time to check the conditions of the scenario, to modify the steps or to adapt the dates, for example. You can also choose to let all participants continue the scenario or to select those who can.


  • More options, more customization: adapt your filters according to the needs of the moment and use them more easily: the dates become relative according to the use of your filter and thus adapt to several situations. Select “Since”, “Within X months/days”, “From”, …


  • Communicate or notify according to your needs: you can choose if the sms sent is a marketing sms or a notification (delivery in progress, registration on a website …). In the case of a notification sms, it is now possible to remove the STOP mention.

February 2022


  • Human or robot?: each email opening is checked to identify if the interaction comes from a robot. This identification is then taken into account in the open rate calculation, which allows to count only human openings.
  • Add indicators for your campaigns: add tabs with the interactions on the campaign (opening rate, type of opening by interest …), the links (number of clickers, clicks, identification of clickers) or the responses related to this campaign.

Black lists

  • Better visibility of unsubscribes: find the total number of unsubscribes directly from the unsubscribe list view.
  • Unsubscribe and NPAI management: improved visibility and management of unsubscribes and NPAI: find the information directly on your contact’s account.


  • Follow your scenarios more easily: don’t get lost in your lengthy scenarios! Find a summary of your scenario on the left and navigate easily between each step with a simple click.
  • Participant progress view: on the scenario summary, we have added a real-time counter to track your participants. See at a glance where they are in the scenario and if any steps are blocking or unnecessary.
  • A dynamic entry point: the “Add all members” entry point is now dynamic. The filter is recalculated according to your preferences to integrate the new members in the scenario.
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